{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Converts internal types (NewType) into a nice printable string
module Nice (fixTid, mkAL, mkALNT
, niceCtxs, niceField, niceInt, niceNT
, niceNewType, niceTid, showsOp, showsVar
) where
import NT
import IntState
import Util.Extra(mixComma,mixSpace,assocDef)
import SysDeps(PackedString)
import TokenId
import Id(Id)
import Maybe
niceNT :: Maybe PackedString -- module qualifier
-> IntState -- symboltable needed for names of ids
-> [(Id,String)] -- renaming mapping for type variables
-> NT -- the type to be converted
-> String
niceNT _ state al (NTany a) = assocDef al ('?':show a ++ "?") a
niceNT _ state al (NTvar a _) = assocDef al ('?':show a ++ "?") a
niceNT _ state al (NTexist a _) = assocDef al ('?':show a ++ "?") a
niceNT m state al (NTstrict t) = "!" ++ niceNT m state al t
niceNT m state al (NTapp t1 t2) =
'(': niceNT m state al t1 ++ ' ': niceNT m state al t2 ++ ")"
niceNT m state al (NTcons a _ []) = niceInt m state a ""
niceNT m state al (NTcons a _ tas) =
case (tidI . fromJust . lookupIS state) a of
TupleId n | n > length tas -> '(':'(':replicate (n-1) ',' ++") "
++mixSpace (map (niceNT m state al) tas)
++ ")"
TupleId _ -> '(' : mixComma (map (niceNT m state al) tas) ++ ")"
v | v == t_Arrow ->
case tas of
[] -> "(->)"
[t1] -> "( (->) " ++ niceNT m state al t1 ++ ")"
[t1,t2] -> '(':niceNT m state al t1 ++ " -> " ++ niceNT m state al t2++")"
v | v == t_List -> "[" ++ (case tas of [] -> ""; [t] -> niceNT m state al t) ++ "]"
v -> '(': show (fixTid (mrpsIS state) v) ++ ' ': mixSpace (map (niceNT m state al) tas) ++ ")"
niceNT m state al (NTcontext c a) =
case (tidI . fromJust . lookupIS state) c of
TupleId _ -> '(' : niceNT m state al (mkNTvar a) ++ ")"
v -> '(': show (fixTid (mrpsIS state) v) ++ ' ': niceNT m state al (mkNTvar a) ++ ")"
niceCtxs :: Eq a
=> Maybe PackedString
-> IntState
-> [(a,String)]
-> [(Id,a)]
-> String
niceCtxs mmrps state al [] = ""
niceCtxs mmrps state al ctxs = "(" ++ mixComma (map ( \ (c,v) -> niceInt mmrps state c (' ':assocDef al (error "niceCtx") v)) ctxs) ++ ") => "
niceInt :: Maybe PackedString -> IntState -> Id -> ShowS
niceInt Nothing state i = (niceInfo (mrpsIS state) . fromJust . lookupIS state) i
niceInt (Just mrps) state i = (niceInfo mrps . fromJust . lookupIS state) i
niceTid :: IntState -> TokenId -> ShowS
niceTid state tid = (showsVar . fixTid (mrpsIS state)) tid
niceInfo :: PackedString -> Info -> ShowS
niceInfo mrps info = (showsVar . fixTid mrps . tidI) info
{- removes module name from qualified token if it is the current module name -}
fixTid :: PackedString -- name of current module
-> TokenId
-> TokenId
fixTid mrps (Qualified tid n) | tid == mrps = Visible n
fixTid mrps v = v
{- produces renaming mapping for the free variables of given type -}
mkALNT :: NT -> [(Id,String)]
mkALNT = mkAL . freeNT
{- produces renaming mapping for given type ids -}
mkAL :: [a] -> [(a,String)]
mkAL tvs =
let tvars = map (:[]) ['a'..'z'] ++ map (++"'") tvars
in zip tvs tvars
niceNewType :: IntState -> NewType -> String
niceNewType state (NewType free exist ctx nts) =
al = mkAL free ++ zip (map snd ctx) (map (('_':).(:[])) ['a'..'z']) -- a-z is too short!
in niceCtxs Nothing state al ctx ++ mixSpace (map (niceNT Nothing state al) nts)
showsOp :: TokenId -> ShowS
showsOp tid =
if isTidOp tid
then shows tid
else showChar '`' . shows tid . showChar '`'
showsVar :: TokenId -> ShowS
showsVar tid =
if isTidOp tid
then showChar '(' . shows tid . showChar ')'
else shows tid
niceField :: IntState
-> [(Id,String)] -- renaming mapping for type variables
-> (Maybe Id,NT) -- (possible field id, its type)
-> String
niceField state al (Just i,nt) = (showChar '{' . shows (fixTid (mrpsIS state) (tidIS state i)) . showString " :: ")
(niceNT Nothing state al nt ++ "}")
niceField state al (Nothing,nt) =
niceNT Nothing state al nt