{- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- |
The 'bindDecls' and 'bindPat' function are used by "Rename".
The ident* functions collect all identifiers bound within the respective
syntactic construct.
They are used by several modules.
module Bind(Pos,Decls,Decl,Exp,bindDecls,bindPat,identDecl,identPat) where
import State((>>>),(>>>=),mapS0,unitS0)
import IdKind(IdKind(..))
import Util.Extra(strPos)
import TokenId(TokenId)
import Syntax(Decls(..),Decl(..),Exp(..),Constr(..),Field(..),Simple(..)
import SyntaxPos(Pos,HasPos(getPos))
import RenameLib(RenameRMonadEmpty,bindTid,checkTid)
{- |
Add all identifiers (variables, type constructors, class ids,
data constructors,...) that are bound\/defined in the syntactic construct
to the active names in renameState.
Does not look at local declarations of variable definitions
(different scope) but at methods of classes and instances.
Adds error message to renameState in case of redefinition of an identifier.
bindDecls :: Decls TokenId -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindDecls (DeclsParse decls) = mapS0 bindDecl decls
bindDecl :: Decl TokenId -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindDecl (DeclType (Simple pos tid tvs) typ) =
bindTid pos TSyn tid
bindDecl (DeclDataPrim pos tid size) =
bindTid pos TCon tid
bindDecl (DeclData d ctxs (Simple pos tid tvs) constrs posidents) =
bindTid pos TCon tid >>> mapS0 bindConstr constrs
bindDecl (DeclClass pos ctxs tid tvarIdents fundeps methods) =
bindTid pos TClass tid >>> bindMethods methods
bindDecl (DeclInstance pos ctx classIdent instanceTypes methods) =
bindDecl (DeclDefault types) =
bindDecl (DeclPrimitive pos tid arity typ) =
bindTid pos Var tid
bindDecl (DeclForeignImp pos _ _ tid arity cast typ _) = -- foreign import
bindTid pos Var tid
bindDecl (DeclForeignExp pos _ _ tid typ) = -- foreign export
bindDecl (DeclVarsType posidents ctxs typ) =
bindDecl (DeclPat (Alt pat guaredExps decls)) =
bindPat Var pat
bindDecl (DeclFun pos tid funs) =
bindTid pos Var tid
bindDecl (DeclFixity fix) =
-- Used for unimplemented things
bindDecl (DeclIgnore str) = unitS0
bindDecl (DeclError str) = unitS0
bindDecl (DeclAnnot decl str) = error "DeclAnnot"
---- =====
bindMethods :: Decls TokenId -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindMethods (DeclsParse decls) = mapS0 bindMethod decls
bindMethod :: Decl TokenId -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindMethod (DeclVarsType posidents ctxs typ) =
mapS0 ( \ (pos,tid) -> bindTid pos Method tid) posidents
bindMethod _ = unitS0
-- bindAlt kind
bindConstr :: Constr TokenId -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindConstr (Constr pos tid fieldtypes) =
bindTid pos Con tid >>> mapS0 (bindFieldVar . fst) fieldtypes
bindConstr (ConstrCtx forAll ctxs pos tid fieldtypes) =
bindTid pos Con tid >>> mapS0 (bindFieldVar . fst) fieldtypes
bindFieldVar :: Maybe [(Pos,TokenId)] -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindFieldVar Nothing = unitS0
bindFieldVar (Just posidents) =
mapS0 ( \ (p,v) -> checkTid p Field v >>>= \ exist ->
if exist then unitS0 else bindTid p Field v >>> bindTid p Var v)
bindPat does not bind Constr!
bindPat :: IdKind -> Exp TokenId -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindPat kind (ExpScc str exp) = error "ExpScc in bindPat!"
bindPat kind (ExpLambda pos pats exp) = error "ExpLambda in bindPat!"
bindPat kind (ExpLet pos decls exp) = error "ExpLet in bindPat!"
bindPat kind (ExpCase pos exp alts) = error "ExpCase in bindPat!"
bindPat kind (ExpIf pos expCond expThen expElse) =
error "ExpIf in bindPat!"
bindPat kind (ExpType pos exp ctxs typ) = error "ExpType in bindPat!"
--- Above only in expressions
bindPat kind (ExpBrack pos pat) = bindPat kind pat
bindPat kind (ExpRecord pos fields) = mapS0 bindField fields
bindPat kind (ExpApplication pos pats) = mapS0 (bindPat kind) pats
bindPat kind (ExpInfixList pos (ExpVarOp _ _:pats)) =
mapS0 (bindPat kind) pats -- prefix operator, only - is legal
bindPat kind (ExpInfixList pos pats) = mapS0 (bindPat kind) pats
bindPat kind (ExpVar pos tid) = bindTid pos kind tid
bindPat kind (ExpCon pos tid) = unitS0
bindPat kind (ExpVarOp pos tid) = bindTid pos kind tid
bindPat kind (ExpConOp pos tid) = unitS0
bindPat kind (ExpLit pos lit) = unitS0
-- bindPat kind (ExpTuple pos pats) = mapS0 (bindPat kind) pats
bindPat kind (ExpList pos pats) = mapS0 (bindPat kind) pats
--- Below only in patterns
bindPat kind (PatAs pos tid pat) =
bindTid pos kind tid >>> bindPat kind pat
bindPat kind (PatWildcard pos) = unitS0
bindPat kind (PatIrrefutable pos pat) = bindPat kind pat
bindPat kind (PatNplusK pos tid tid' int _ _) = bindTid pos kind tid
{- |
Binds variables bound in field expression.
Does not bind field names.
bindField :: Field TokenId -> RenameRMonadEmpty a
bindField (FieldExp pos tid pat) = {- bindTid pos Var tid >>> -} bindPat Var pat
bindField (FieldPun pos tid) = bindTid pos Var tid
--bindField (FieldPun pos tid) = bindTid pos Var tid -- H98 removes
{- ident* , collection of bound variable identifiers ------------------------}
{- |
Collect all variable identifiers that are bound\/defined
by the declaration in a list.
Does not look at local declarations and not at methods of class or instance
identDecl :: Decl a -> [a]
identDecl (DeclPat (Alt pat gdexps decls)) = map snd (identPat pat)
identDecl (DeclFun pos fun (Fun args gdexps decls:_)) = [fun]
identDecl (DeclPrimitive pos fun arity t) = [fun]
identDecl (DeclForeignImp pos _ _ fun arity cast t _) = [fun]
identDecl (DeclForeignExp pos _ _ fun t) = []
identDecl _ = []
{- Add given position and identifier to list -}
addIdent :: Pos -> a -> b -> [(Pos,a)] -> [(Pos,a)]
addIdent pos ident _ env = (pos,ident):env
{- |
Collect all variable identifiers that are bound by the pattern together
with their positions in a list.
Argument must be a pattern, not an arbitrary expression.
identPat :: Exp a -> [(Pos,a)]
identPat pat = identPat' pat () []
identPat' :: Exp a -> b -> [(Pos,a)] -> [(Pos,a)]
identPat' (ExpScc str exp) =
error ("ExpScc in identPat'" ++ show (getPos exp))
identPat' (ExpLambda pos pats exp) =
error ("ExpLambda in identPat'" ++ show pos)
identPat' (ExpLet pos decls exp) =
error ("ExpLet in identPat'" ++ show pos)
identPat' (ExpDo pos stmts) =
error ("ExpDo in identPat'" ++ show pos)
identPat' (ExpCase pos exp alts) =
error ("ExpCase in identPat'" ++ show pos)
identPat' (ExpIf pos expCond expThen expElse) =
error ("ExpIf in identPat'" ++ show pos)
identPat' (ExpType pos exp ctxs typ) =
error ("ExpType in identPat'" ++ show pos)
--- Above only in expressions, not in patterns
identPat' (ExpBrack pos pat) = identPat' pat
identPat' (ExpRecord pos fields) = mapS0 identField fields
identPat' (ExpApplication pos (ExpVar _ _:pats)) =
mapS0 identPat' pats -- ignore negate!! (only variable that can be here)
identPat' (ExpApplication pos pats) = mapS0 identPat' pats
identPat' (ExpInfixList pos (ExpVarOp _ _:pats)) =
mapS0 identPat' pats -- ignore negate!! (only variable that can be here)
identPat' (ExpInfixList pos pats) = mapS0 identPat' pats
identPat' (ExpVar pos ident) = addIdent pos ident
identPat' (ExpCon pos ident) = unitS0
identPat' (ExpVarOp pos ident) = addIdent pos ident
identPat' (ExpConOp pos ident) = unitS0
identPat' (ExpLit pos lit) = unitS0
--identPat' (ExpTuple pos pats) = mapS0 identPat' pats
identPat' (ExpList pos pats) = mapS0 identPat' pats
identPat' (Exp2 pos tid1 tid2) = unitS0
-- addIdent noPos tid1 >>> addIdent noPos tid2
--- Below only in patterns
identPat' (PatAs pos ident pat)
= addIdent pos ident >>> identPat' pat
identPat' (PatWildcard pos) = unitS0
identPat' (PatIrrefutable pos pat) = identPat' pat
identPat' (PatNplusK pos n n' k _ _)
= addIdent pos n >>> addIdent pos n'
identPat' (ExpDict pat) = identPat' pat
identPat' p = error ("No match in identPat' at " ++ strPos (getPos p))
identField :: Field a -> b -> [(Pos,a)] -> [(Pos,a)]
identField (FieldExp pos ident pat) = identPat' pat
--identField (FieldPun pos ident) = addIdent pos ident -- H98 removes
{- End Module Bind ----------------------------------------------------------}